Paul and Kelci Gardiner

Monday, February 10, 2014

The end of 2013

I know its been awhile, but I really feel like for those who follow I need to give an update on how 2013 went for us. The last time I posted Paul and I had just recently moved out of our house and had plans to move in September. We still feel that at that time that was the right decision for us, however, as much as I don't want to admit it, as the time drew closer we began to realize that it wasn't right for us. I think because I wanted it to happen so bad I wasn't willing to admit my feelings and I think for Paul as he was realizing it he wanted to make sure I was happy. I truly have the best husband ever! We still kept our plans as normal. I left Granger on September 13th. I think what really sealed the deal and made me admit my feelings was that on September 16th we found out that Paul's job wouldn't work out if we moved. I knew it would be hard with one of us out of a job and we had things set up out there that would work, but I was terrified with both of us not working. The more we talked we realized that we need to stay here. Of course, I got super stressed wondering where we would move. Then miracles of all miracles it just ended up right in our laps. Our good friend had to transfer to California for a job and mentioned it to Paul and said something along the lines of if we ever wanted or need a place to stay we can rent his home, he knew we were planning on moving and wasn't planning on saying anything, but I'm so happy he did. The way things worked out for Paul and I with his job and a place to live confirmed our plans and feelings that we had to stay. I may not understand the reasoning but I know things work out for a reason. Paul got to keep his job and has done well with it, and Im happy to say that after four months of no job, I found a new one at the beginning of this year. I am looking forward to the day we can move so Paul can start and finish grad school, but I really am happy at where I am in life. 

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