Hey everyone! Just wanted to give a brief update of what Paul and I have been up to this past month. Things tend to stay the same for us around here. Paul started a new semester of school which is keeping him pretty busy. He also got a new job. We havn't had much luck with jobs around here for him since ARUP kind of messed things up in October by not being willing to work with him once a new semester began even though he was told otherwise. He now works at Auto RX and pretty much says its just another job. I'm just grateful we have it and have been able to survive the last five months. It gets stressful, but you learn to stick with budgets. I think we kind of took that part for granted. Its definitely a life lesson. Things have been the same for me. Just working. I'm also trying to get back into my Mary Kay. Hopefully that will work out for me. We were also able to celebrate a few birthdays with family members this month. I also had a scary thing happen with my Uncle. He is now in the hospital doing better, but at one point we thought we were going to lose him. I'm so grateful that he pulled through and the awesome Doctors at St. Marks have worked with him and finally diagnosed him and now there is a plan in action to get him on the road to recovery. Now that I actually think about the past month it has been pretty busy. Thats about all I can think of for now. I've enjoyed staying updated on everyone. Keep them coming!
Glad to hear that your uncle is doing better, Kelc! And that's awesome about Paul getting a new job!
You forgot to put on this post that your cutest nephew ever was born in January! :)
Thats because I havn't had any pics of him to do my next post. Now that I do and have time I'm going to do a post just for him. As long as you are ok with that.
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