Paul and Kelci Gardiner

Saturday, September 10, 2011

Day 3: A Habit I Wish I Didn't Have

Thankgoodness I didn't really commit to be on this everyday. I'm glad to do this challenge, but I'm doing it my own way. Life is crazy busy but hopefully I won't let too many days go in between. I will commit to do 30 topics and what not. I know we all have many habits. I definitely have a few that come straight to mind, but the one that bugs me the worst is I pick at or bite my nails. When I'm way overwhelmed and stressed out or nervous about something my nails disappear. At one point I was getting my nails done regularly so I didn't have anything to bite. At that point I would tend to start picking but not wanting to ruin them was a big motivation. Getting my nails done regularly was a good habit to have just a little expensive. I know I have more but I don't really want to get into them. I would ask Paul to help with this one, but he is studying at the moment. I think his habit would be procrastination. I think if we both do better at that it would allow us more time together and maybe he would feel a little more prepared for a test. He says he doesn't feel prepared sometimes but you wouldn't know that by his grades. I'm very proud of my husband.

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