Paul and Kelci Gardiner

Sunday, July 6, 2014

GoodBye June

June has definitely made my list this year of worst month ever! CRAZY since I always look forward to it. June has always been one of my favorites. June 1st is my birthday, Its the start of summer, and its the middle of the year, Just to name a few. I can't say it was horrible. It started off pretty decent. My husband spoiled me for my birthday. I enjoyed my time with him. Later that week our baby cousin Matthew graduated. I went to his graduation celebration and enjoyed my time with my family. That same night though, I fell. Its something I can laugh about now but hats where June went down hill for me. I was getting ready to have some me time and take a bath. I started the water and got distracted doing something else. Normally I love hot baths but this time of year I was going for cool water. I stepped in the water was too hot. I turned to get out and my foot turned causing me to lose balance and I totally fell out of my bath tub. I landed funky and had bruised my whole right side of body and leg. Needless to say I was off of work the rest of the week and had to use a pillow or doughnut to sit on at work for two weeks. On top of that I had a brand new book in my hand that I got from my birthday and completely ruined it. Paul was sweet and replaced it right away. As if that wasn't enough as I'm starting to feel better and heal from this, Paul goes and burns his hands and gave us a trip to instacare. I really feel like we didn't accomplish much in June. We definitely had our fair share of trials that month but I can say I think we came out stronger. I have to tell you though, that I was anxiously awaiting July. The last weekend of the month was probably my favorite. It was Taylorsville Dayzz. We actually tried to avoid that at all costs except for the firework show. Fireworks are my favorite part of summer and summer holidays.  We were planning on going and ended up with a better deal in the end. My brother in laws parents live right behind the park and can sit out in the front yard and see the show. We were invited to go with to their house that night. It was amazing to see that you can hear the music clearly and enjoy being right there under the fireworks. They had a front row seat. It was a wonderful show and I was happy to end the month on that note.

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