So, I hardly ever do the questionaires and surveys and stuff like that, that gets passed around. I had a ton of people tag me on the 25 Random things on facebook and actually thought it was pretty cool. I thought besides posting it on facebook i'll add it to our blog too. Hopefully I can get Paul to do one sometime soon.
25 Random ThingsShareToday at 11:14am
Rules:Once you've been tagged, you are supposed to write a note with 25 random things, facts, habits, or goals about you. At the end, choose 25 people to be tagged. You have to tag the person who tagged you. If I tagged you, it's because I want to know more about you.(To do this, go to "notes" under tabs on your profile page, paste these instructions in the body of the note, type your 25 random things, tag 25 people (in the right hand corner of the app) then click publish.)
1. I have the best husband in the world.
2. I have a huge fear of getting in or dying in a horrible car wreck.
3. I tend to worry about everything and I totally hate it.
4. I love my family and am way glad we are all close.
5. I have lived in 3 different states: California (born), Arkansas, and Utah (my home now)
6.I want to finish my education and become a 1st grade teacher.
7. I hate heights.
8. I love to dance and wish I continued with it.
9. I wish I can sing. I can't and I don't like people listening to me, But I still sing when alone.
10. I love to have a clean house. I hate clutter.
11.I love to turn on music while cleaning the house... lately my fave has been listening to my old BSB cd's... Oh the memories :)
12. I'm terrified to do my 2nd round of in vitro. I really hope and pray it works, but with everything from the first time I'm scared to go through the heart break again.
13.I love country music.
14. I can't wait to have my own family and to be a mother.
15. I love my life.
16. I consider myself an optimist. I try to look at the good things in life.
17. My most memorable/creative date was the Sleeping Bag Olympics back in Jr. year for Sweethearts. I had a blast dancing in the sleeping bags. Its kinda tricky trying to dance in them and sliding and slipping all over.
18. I can't wait for my husband to finish school. I can't wait to be a "Dr.'s wife" I just hope i'm not snooty.
19.I wold love to be a SAHM.
20.I love anything that sparkles and is shiny and glittery
21.I'm a shy person, I know I am, but I eventually open up and honestly I hate being shy. I envy my mom and sister who are the most outgoing people I know.
22. Because of being shy my best friends growing up were always loud and outgoing. Those type of people got me to open up and be myself.
23. I had a HUGE crush on my husband in high school. We didn't start dating until we graduated, I wonder if we dated in HS would we still be together or have ended up getting married?
24. I would love to be able to travel.
25.Even with having a horrible voice I have kareokeed and that has honestly been one of my favorite things i've done.
I want to tag anyone who feels up to doing this. I have enjoyed reading responses and getting to know people better.
I just want to let the world know that I have the BEST husband ever! I have to tell you this month started out a lot better than last month. Paul surprised me this weekend by taking me to a Bed and Breakfast. We weren't celebrating anything special it was a "Just Because". We stayed at the Hines Mansion in Provo. Its beautiful. It's been kinda hard with school and work and stuff and hardly seeing each other. You would think we would be use to that by now, but it does take a toll on us. Anyways this weekend Paul was able to pull of a surprise. We stayed in the Lodge. Breakfast was amazing. It was stuffed french toast. It was yummy. Anyways I just wanted to let people know how thankful I am to have the best husband. He is very thoughtful and romantic. I love him to death. I'm very lucky to have an amazing husband!