Paul and Kelci Gardiner

Monday, February 10, 2014

Binx and Miss Kitty

 Meet Mr. Binx:  
My brother Joe, got a cat for his birthday. He always wanted a black one so he can name it Binx from Hocus Pocus. This cat is mischievous and tude, which totally reminds me of our cat. Hunter and I went over one day to visit Joe and Binx. Binx loved to climb on Hunter. These are just a few snapshots I got.
Miss Kitty: 
At one point we were living where we couldn't have pets. We were blessed to have some friends who took care of Miss Kitty until we could get her back. We were able to visit her. Our friend took some great pictures of her. As much as she drives me crazy sometimes I wouldn't give her up for the world. I just hope we can take her with us when we go to school.

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