Paul and Kelci Gardiner

Saturday, April 23, 2011

Busy Week

This week has been a busy week for us. Even though I never came straight home or got a night off til Friday night I had an awesome week. It is ALWAYS fun when we have family in town and birthdays to celebrate, but I don't think you need an excuse to have fun. My Uncle Chuck and his family came into town on Monday night and were supposed to spend a couple of days with us, but it ended up being more. They had quite a trip. They saved to be able to come for Spring Break and on the way here the car breaks down. They barely made it to my moms. On top of that my cousin had a toothache and ended up going to my mom's office and the tooth was messed up and something was going on that they had to pull it. Nothing ever goes right for them. Last time one of my cousins had to get stitches while visiting.At least it doesn't get them down and ruin the trip. It was great for us though to have a few extra days with them. We had a big family dinner for a few nights and we also went to AirBorne. Airborne is a trampoline place. It was so much fun. I loved the pit. I was scared at first, but it was my favorite. I have never been the best at tricks on trampolines so my plan was to just go and jump. I didn't know I shouldn't wear my socks. I jumped to the end, didn't feel like I was high enough so I stopped (which is something I shouldn't have done) and took a couple more bounces got ready to jump in pit, lost footing and slipped. That made me go face first in the pit. It was fun though. The best part was my mom belly flopped in the pit her first time. Paul was amazing and did a flip as he lost his footing. After that was the time my brother decided to tell us its because we were wearing socks. I think we were entertainment for their friends that were there. We also celebrated JJ's 24th birthday this week. We went to Ole Spaghetti Factory. It was fun to go out with his family too. He has a great family. Sarah is very lucky. Last night I had a girls night with my mother-in-law and sister-in-law. It was fun. I love when I have busy weeks, especially when they are memorable.

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