Paul and Kelci Gardiner

Saturday, May 12, 2012

Day 11: Embarrassing Moments

Paul: I was working at a movie theater at the concession stand. While I was walking back and forth my pants fell down. 

Kelci: I am blind if i'm not wearing contacts or glasses. When I was younger I only had my glasses. Of course I couldn't swim in them. We had friends over one day who were brothers and they were mine and my sister's ages. They were brothers and looked a lot alike. They could be twins. Anyways I had a crush on the one my age, we were talking and making plans to hang out again. I can't remember what all was said but this whole time I thought it was him and the one I was talking to was the younger brother. I felt really stupid when I realized that. I get embarrassed easily, but feel like I havn't had too many moments and am grateful for that. I still have them though. 

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